House Boromar

House Boromar

A Threat of Epidemic Proportions

Devlin's Orders

The companions, led by the young halfling lady, began surveying the crashed ship. Devlin followed Mica through the wreckage, listening to her explain about the plague and the ship.

They were close to the ship's port when Rourke casually walked towards the Lyrandar Half Elf. "I suppose we better send word of the lady's safety to her father as soon as possible, Captain." the warmage whispered behind Devlin's ear.

Mica turned to the half elf and smiled. "So what do you think of this?"

"This is all very interesting My Lady," Devlin replied. "But I need to have you back in Sharn as soon as possible."

The halfling raised her eyebrows, as if she wasn't used to having someone give orders to her. Mica brushed a loose hair and gave the Lyrandar Captain a stern but calm face. "I still have work here."

"We must leave now," Devlin reiterated. "Your father is worried and wants you to come back."

Warmage Suspicions

Rourke realizes that the language Tsukhasti uses is in halfling: “Lady Mika, young master, I have brought the representatives of your mighty parent, who is concerned about your well-being, as we all are.”

"..concerned about her we all are...?" Rourke thought.

The warmage would have considered that a sign of loyalty were it not for the marks around Tsukhasti's face - he was clearly succumbing to the plague. Perhaps the bodyguard was concerend more about his own well-being and of leaving the village sooner than his mistress was. Perhaps. The warmage filed a mental note.

Mika's calm nature despite the circumstances only made the warmage suspicious of the halfling. And by her family's reputation, Rourke could only guess that Mika must be reluctant to leave for some other hidden reason.

For a moment he considered inquiring about the negotiations with the miners - Mika's original purpose or so they were told -but he thought better of it. The question might tip Mika to his suspicions.

He instead let his pace gradually slow behind Rothaide and Devlin as Mika toured them around the fallen ship.

A spot of color on the ground caught Rourke's eye.

"I suppose we better send word of the lady's safety to her father as soon as possible, Captain." Rourke almost whispered behind Devlin's ear.

As Devlin turned toward Mika to discuss this, Rourke turned his head around to survey the ship. He began to walk toward the purple patch of ground -seemingly more interestd in surveying the wreckage all the while. When he thought he wasn't being noticed, he carefully retrieved a vial from his spell pouch and took a sample of the purple substance, being careful not to even touch it.

Rourke had a hunch that the purple spice was somehow connected to the plague. But he knew he'd need the aid of his spells and time to figure it out.

The Crashed Ship

After a few hours’ ride, the party finally arrives at their destination. They top a low ridge and see a wide plain spread out beneath them. Through this plain, a great trench has been carved by a crashed airship, and chunks of wooden debris litter the ground. The bulk of the airship rests intact at the end of this trench, and a number of humanoid figures are searching the remains.

The fatigued Chuck lets out a loud animal call to attract the attention of the humanoids and starts down the edge. Various figures around the crashed airship wave back. The Boromar Bodyguard leads the party to a tarp spread out at the base of a mound and is met by a young female halfling.

Chuck prostates himself before the halfling and say something in a non common language.

The halfling nods and replies in common. “Rise, Tsukahsti. You have performed well. Let me meet these brave individuals who have come far looking for a single lost halfling.”

The young halfling approaches the group and introduces herself as Mika Boromar.

“Both me and my father are appreciative of your efforts Lyrandar Captain.” Mika then points out the bulk of the crashed ship and says, “This Lhazzarite freighter seems to be the source of the plague threatening Greentarn. The airship must have spread the foul disease to the winds when it crashed here. I have spent the past few weeks examining it, and I can safely say that it is ground zero for the current epidemic ravaging his place.”

Mika then gives the party a grand tour of the crash site, walking beside them as they survey the wreckage.

“My theory is that the crew lost control of the downed ship but still managed to come in a very shallow approach angle.” Mika then turns to Devlin. “Had the pilot been more competent, it might have landed safely”

“We found a few bodies and buried them. In the days since we have been trying to gather more information about the plague. I have sent a messenger with a report of the downed ship to the Lyrandar Fleet but we haven’t heard back.”

As the party surveys the damaged craft, they notice six miners from the Temple Valley taking it apart. Mike notices this and provides and explanation.

“I’m waving salvage rights so the miners can keep parts of the ship so that some good can come out of it. I’m assuming it’s a smuggler’s vessel, has no registry or any other way to trace its point of origin.”


"So Lady Mika is safe in the Temple Valley?" Devlin repeated as he checked his steed, making sure the horse was okay.

Chuck unrolled the sleeves of his cloak, hiding the plague marks. "Yes," he replied. "We better get moving if we are to reach her in time."

The Lyrandar captain then looked around, checking to see if everyone in his team is ready and accounted for.

"We are all ready," Rothaide answered as she motioned over to Rourke. The warmage mounted his horse and waved at them.

"Okay," Devlin replied. "Let's go to the Temple Valley."

Hasty Introductions

"Nice to meet you," Devlin replied as he shook Tsukahsti's hand. "Let me introduce you to my crew."

The Lyrandar captain waved his hand over the elf priestess's direction. "This is Rothaide, priestetss of the Hearth Mother."

Chuck gave the elf a respectful nod.

"I'd like to introduce you to Rourke," Devlin said. "But he's not around as of the moment. Probably doing some reconnaissance work."

Chuck nodded as he examined the unconscious thugs.

“You have to forgive Urfo.” Chuck informs the group in between coughs. “He and his and of thugs have been addicted to this new spice the natives are calling Tempest. It’s the effect of the craving which causes then to attack anyone who comes into Temple Valley.”

"So what can you tell me about Mika Boromar?" Devlin asks.

“The Lady Mika’s not here.” Reveals the Boromar bodyguard. “She’s sheltered at a ravine up north of Temple Valley. It’s less than a day’s walk from here near a crashed airship.”

“I’ve been sent here at Temple Valley to wait for you. I’ve been waiting for days now. I was expecting you to be here sooner. I didn’t expect the plague would be the one to greet me first.” Chuck rolled up the sleeve of his cloak to show the plague marks on them.

“We’ve always known the Lord Popora shall be sending someone. I just didn’t expect it would be you Mister Devlin. Don’t look so surprised. Your reputation precedes you rebel of the Lyrandar house.”

On a Rescue Mission

The cloaked figure revealed his face, and Devlin saw a bald headed human. He would have been considered handsome if not for the plague crustings on his eyes and mouth. He looks up at the Lyrandar captain floating above him. "Well done, Lyrandar. I hope you're the help we've been waiting for."

Devlin watched the man suspiciously, wondering if it was a trick to lower his defenses. "Are these your men?" He asked pointing to the unconscious figures lying on the ground.

"As mush I seem to look like them, I’m afraid I am not. You must forgive these thugs," the man replied. "An addicted man would often lose his sense of morality, just to satisfy his needs."

The Lyrandar captain nodded, muttered a short incantation, and started to descend. He turned to his comrades and saw Rothaide tyring to calm their horses.

"We'll do what we can to help you," Devlin said to the sick man. He turned to Rothaide and said something in elvish. The priestess nodded and began to unpack her medical kit. "Rothaide will do her best to alleviate your sickness. But we are on an urgent mission."

"I know. You are looking for a young halfling woman, named Mika Boromar. I have been waiting for you and would lead you to her."

“I am known as Tsukahsti.” The man introduced himself. “You may call me Chuck.”

Friends and Foes alike

Shortly after it was apparent that the excitement was over, and seeing the less hostile approach of the mysterious bald human. The mist dissipated into nothingness. She glared momentarily at him but felt nothing but good intentions.

Rothaide collected herself and moved behind the captain.

She made a quick survey of the grounds. She sees the bodies of the fallen. The summoned worm creature was still as if awaiting orders from its master which was nowhere to be seen. Unsure if they are dead, but sure of her own remorse, she wanted to go and attend to each one. For elves who are long lived, life holds a high regard even for their enemies. And killing a last resort.

"Captain. If I may .. " She whispered solemnly, barely audible, in elven. The ancient language which normally flowed and uplifted the spirits like music, sounded odd grim coming from Rothaide. Devlin immediately understood and nodded slightly with perhaps equal resolve. He is after all half elf. Through her strict adherance to her creed, the elven priestess, though the newest crew member of Devlin's crew, was predictable that way. " .. attend to their last rites".

Hoping that some may still yet be alive, she moved towards the nearest fallen. She passes by the bald human who eyed her with interest. Rothaide nods, but didn't speak a word, in acknowledgment.

Reaching the fallen, she finds out that though most were seriously injured and/or unconscious, none of them were dead. To these, she performed rudimentary first aid. The little she knew of it anyway.

But instead of the faces of the attackers, she saw the faces of the fallen crew members of the Eglantine. Their dead eyes were open and blank, staring coldly into space. Their bodies and limbs contorted as if in eternal pain. Rothaide spoke to them anyway. Begging them silently to leave her be.

I am innocent. She declared to them. She told herself. But even she herself did not sound convinced.

She cried openly while she performed her ministrations. Her eyes glimmered. Filled with tears of remorse and grief, it ran down her cheeks. The others eyed her in utter disbelief. She is crazed, they all thought. She stops short immediately after, realizing Rourke was missing.