House Boromar: Skiff Combat: Round Two: Rourke

House Boromar

A Threat of Epidemic Proportions

Skiff Combat: Round Two: Rourke

Rourke saw the Gnoll spellcaster materialize in front of him.

"Dimension door...?" He thought incredulously.

"These aren't your run off the mill thugs, and this one might be more dangerous than the rest."

Rourke went through the options in his mind. If he attacked now, he would
lose the cloak of magical energy that kept him invisible - his biggest advantage. And yet, if he chose to summon another creature, he stands to even the odds for they were outnumbered at the moment. However, there would be no telling what counter measure the Gnoll spellcaster had up its sleeve.

Each of his crew mates had their hands full with gnolls. Devlin's maneuver
though risky lowered the number of attackers -- but they were still at a disadvantage and Gian was struggling to free himself from some entangling substance.

Rouke suddenly felt a warm sensation in his pocket as the gold and turquoise winged idol from Xendrik in his pocket awoke.

"Take the spellcaster...take its power...take it's life." A voice spoke from the deepest recesses of the Warmage's subconscious.

If the warmage had been visible, one would witness his mouth go slack and eyes glaze over as another presence took hold of him.

A ripple in the air like heat distortion formed where Rourke stood. The ripple quickly coalesced into Rourke's form as two rays of crimson fire flew from his hands.

Rourke came to his senses and realized he had just fired off a spell that made him visible. Time seemed to slow as Rourke witnessed the two rays of crimson energy leap from his outstretched hand and reach toward its target.

"$#!T - I have to make this count." with that thought, Rourke realized in that moment that one of the rays were off its mark. His mind told him to adjust his wrist slamming the bolt toward its target. Rourke felt the connection of magical energy between him and his foe and "pulled" transferring a bundle of the Gnoll spellcaster's arcane energy into himself.

* * *

Both fiery bolts fly true towards its target but abruptly fades as it hits some sort of barrier that for a few seconds flare into translucency revealing a ten foot globe centered on the gnoll spellcaster.

Ashtaka, lets out a laughs, the sound sounding like that of a hyena, she turns around and faces the now visible warmage.

* * *

From the deck, previously and prone, Yeth managed to crawl and find a hiding place until she can make sense of what is happening. From where she is hiding she manages to see Dargo hit and remove one of the humans out of the fight.

The gnoll warrior is then startled when a red haired human appears on the deck not far from her and casts a spell at Ashtaka. She shot one of arrows at the red haired but did not do so until after the human was able to release his spell at Ashtaka. She did manage to hit the human at his back and manages to likewise entangle him with one of her special arrows.
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At 7:08 PM, Blogger Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...


Rourke's Actions:
To Hit: 18 (+ 5 competence +3 base +3 dex) = 29 vs flat-footed 15 AC, Hit
To Hit: 4 (+ 5 competence +3 base +3 dex) = 15 vs flat-footed 15 AC, Hit

Ashtaka's Actions:
Lesser Globe of Invulnerability (Auto)

Yeth's Actions:
Yeth's Hide: 16 (+2) = 18
Rourke's Spot: 1 (+7) = 8
To Hit: 9 (+ 4 competence +1 masterwork +3 dex) = 17 vs flat-footed 15 AC, Hit
Effect: Damage 2, entangled as tanglefoot bag

Next Action: Devlin...

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Gryffin said...

argh! Curse me for listening to the darkside...and taking too much time to post my move action..which was to duck under the railing...

Wouldn;t the railing be giving me partial cover?

What happened to the bats I summoned?

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Gryffin said...

What does a spellcraft check reveal about the Globe? Was it a contingency spell?

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: Some of the other non-combat rolls:

Rourke rolls:
Spot (for Spell ID): 2 (+17) = 19 vs 24, fail

Spot (for Spell ID after effect): 9 (+17) = 26 vs 24, sucess - Id-ed Lesser Globe of Invulnerability

At 11:01 AM, Blogger Miguel Enrico Gonzales said...

OOC: The railings would have provided cover for Rourke but I'd rule that Rourke would use the railings to cover from visible enemies. Yeth was not visible to him during this action, so he wasn't able to taek cover from Yeth.

OOC: The bats' status will be revealed in the next few posts.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Gryffin said...


Take yer time.

it's month end. =p


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