House Boromar: The Ravenstorm

House Boromar

A Threat of Epidemic Proportions

The Ravenstorm

Devlin Sain d'Lyrandar's ship is a heavily modified Lyrandar airship. A rich explorer named Derrend Montis commissioned the creation of the ship and used it as his personal transport. Wanting a vessel that was both well armed and inconspicous, Derrend went to great lengths to increase the ship's combat capabilities without concealing any outward sign of its modifications. While in his care, the ship was named Ravenstorm. The ship was used as an exploration vessel until Derred died, at which time it was sold to the Sharn military. The ship was used during the Last War as a military vessel. It was then discovered in the wreckage of Cyre where it was then recovered, repaired, and sold to Devlin Lyrandar.

The ship isn't pretty, but it packs a punch. Under its scarred, dented hull are sereval modifications both mundane and magical. Primarily to these is the binding of an intelligent yet fickle minded storm elemental (fondly called by the ship's pilot as Raven)into the ship's matrix instead of an air elemental. The ship has been upgraded to allow the storm elemental to discharge it's bolt of lightning once per minute as instructed by the ship's pilot.

The Ravenstorm: Colossal vehicle; Airworthiness +8; Shiphandling –2; Speed Fly 120 ft. (average), Overall AC –1 Hull sections 1,000 (crash 250 sections); Section hp 80 (hardness 10); Section AC 5; Ram 12d6; SA thunder and lightning, storm ring; SQ resistance to electricity and sonic 10, air mastery, hover; Space 90 ft. by 300 ft.; Height 50 ft. (storm ring has 110-ft. diameter); Watch 20; Complement 150; Cargo 30 tons; Cost 92,000 gp.
Airmastery: Airborne creatures take a -1 penalty on atatck and damage rolls against the Ravenstorm.
Thunder and Lightning: Once per minute, the Ravenstorm's pilot can as a full-round action, direct the storm ring's elemental to emit a blast of thunder coupled with a bolt of lightning. The thunder deals 8d6 sonic damage to all creatures within 60 feet of the ship. A Fortitude DC 24 save halves this damage. The lightning is a 120-foot-long line that deals 16d6 electricity damage. A Reflex DC 24 save halves this damage.
Hover: Despite its maneuverability rating, an airship can hover and has no minimum speed required to maintain air travel. It cannot turn in place, however.
Ring: The Ravenstorm uses a storm elemental elemental. It deals 3d6 sonic and electricity damage to any creature or object passing it.
Aura: Strong conjuration, CL 15th.
Construction: Bind Elemental, greater planar binding, 46,000 gp, 3,680 XP, 92 days.
Price: 92,000 gp.


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